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Trial Number 9

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate past effective products on second set of supplied parts contaminated with cutting and lubricants.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

The top five products were selected from the previous lab trial. Products were diluted to 5% using DI water in 300 ml glass beakers. Water also was used. Solutions were heated to 130 F. The beakers were immersed in a water bath in a Branson 40 kHz ultrasonic tank. Products were degassed for five minutes.

A set of three soiled steel parts (coated with cutting fluids and lubricants) were immersed into each product and cleaned for 5 minutes using ultrasonic agitation. Following cleaning, coupons were observed for cleanliness.

Trial Results:

The Daraclean 282 GF cleaned parts at both 5 and 10% dilutions at 130 F were visually the cleanest. At 5%, Micro 90 was the next cleanest followed by Polyspray Jet 790 XS. At 10%, Polyspray Jet 790xs was the second most effective product followed by M Aero.

Product 5 Min Rank 10 Min Rank
Micro 90 2 4
790xs 3 2
282 GF 1 1
M6310 5 5
M Aero 4 3
Water 6 6

Success Rating:

A follow up test, usually based on company input.


Parts cleaned with Daraclean 282 GF were the cleanest in all of the parts cleaning trials conducted. Piloting with this product, Polyspray 790xs and Armaklean M Aero (the top three products overall) is recommended. Photos of parts are included below for 5 and 10%  cleaning at 5 minutes and 130 F.

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