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Trial Number 24

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate the effectiveness of Micro-90 (2% cleaner, 98% water) and BG-Clean 402 (10% cleaner, 90% water) in removing wax from stainless steel coupons as a preliminary test for Precision Fabricators

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Six stainless steel coupons were used for each of the two cleaners for a total of 12 coupons. The initial weight of each coupon was recorded before applying the wax. The bottom third of each coupon was soiled by adding Meguiar's Cleaner Wax using a swab. The dirty weights of all coupons were then recorded. The coupons were then put into heated ultrasonics at 120F in Micro-90 (2% dilution with water) and BG-Clean 402 (10% dilution with water) for 15 minutes. After the coupons were cleaned, they were left to air dry overnight. The next morning, the clean weights of all of the coupons were recorded.

Trial Results:

Cleaner Coupon # Initial wt of cont. Final wt of cont. %Cont Removed Average % Removal
Micro-90 1 0.0387 0.0017 95.61 97
2 0.0588 0.0011 98.13
3 0.0486 0.0007 98.56
4 0.044 0.0006 98.64
5 0.0507 0.0024 95.27
6 0.0399 0.0011 97.24
BG -Clean 402 7 0.0542 0.0017 96.86 96
8 0.0356 0.0021 94.10
9 0.0381 0.0016 95.80
10 0.0562 0.0017 96.98
11 0.0607 0.0016 97.36
12 0.0529 0.0028 94.71

Success Rating:

Preliminary compatibility tests on substrate coupons encouraging for at least one cleaning chemistry. More in-depth laboratory testing necessary.


Both cleaners were effective in removing the wax soil. Micro-90 removed 2 percent more wax than BG-Clean 402.

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