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Trial Number 1

Trial Purpose:

To further evaluate cleaners from previous trial on second buffing compound.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Four cleaners were selected based on the results of the previous trial. The chemistries were diluted to 5% in 600 ml beakers using DI water and then heated to 130 F on a hot plate. Twelve preweighed brass coupons were contaminated with the buffing compound and weighed again. Three coupons were cleaned in one solution for five minutes using stir-bar agitation. Coupons were rinsed in tap water at 120 F for 30 seconds and dried using a Master Appliance Corp, Hot-air gun model HG-301A at 500 F for one minute. After coupons returned to room temperature, final clean weights were recorded and the percent efficiency was calculated.

CONTAMINANTS: Matchless Metal Polishing Co. Z-230 Buffing compound (7429-90-5)
CONTAMINATING PROCESS USED: Manual rub of buffing compound onto coupons

Trial Results:

All four products tested were very successful in removing the second buffing compound from the brass coupons. The U.S. Polychem Polyspray Jet 790 P again removed all of the contaminant. (The efficiencies were over 100% and was due to the buffing compound removing some of the oxidation that had occurred on the coupons). The other three cleaners removed over 87% of the buffing compound. Table 2 lists the efficiencies for each cleaner evaluated.

Table 2. Cleaning Efficiencies

Cleaner Micro 90 Inproclean Polyspray Daraclean
Coupon 1 90.38 94.9 101.32 96.1
Coupon 2 90.83 90.32 102.13 80.94
Coupon 3 90.91 91.18 101.57 84.94
Average 90.71 92.13 101.68 87.33

Success Rating:

Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.


Having determined that all of the cleaners were effective in removing the buffing compound using only simple immersion agitation, all four will be used to clean the supplied parts in a Crest 40 kHz ultrasonic tank model 4Ht 1014-6.

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