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Trial Number 2

Trial Purpose:

To test the efficacy of other solvents to manually remove three types of polymers from stainless steel

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Three 304 stainless steel coupons were assigned to each of the soils per solvent resulting in a total of 27 coupons total.  Each coupon was weighed with a mass balance and had their initial weights recorded.  Each coupon was then soiled with its respective polymer and catalyst mixture.  To soil each coupon, a pipette was used to apply a 0.5ml of the correct polymer catalyst mixture in a stripe across the middle of the coupons.  The stripe of soil was then spread with a paint scraper to apply a thin coating to the bottom half of the coupon.  After drying for 30 seconds, the next layer was applied.  Each coupon was soiled with a total of 5 layers.  After the soil was applied, the coupons were placed in the oven at 325F for 5 mins to cure the polymers.  Each coupon had their dirty weights recorded.  Each coupon was then timed while manually wiped with a cotton rag dipped in the respective solvent with circular motions.  Manual wiping was ceased when all visible soil was removed from a coupon.  If all visible soil was not able to be fully removed at 5 mins (300 seconds), cleaning was ceased.  Coupons were then left to air dry for 30 mins before recording their clean weights.

Trial Results:

Cleaner Soil Initial wt of cont. Final wt of cont. %Cont Removed % AVG % Overall Time until clean Secs AVG Secs Overall
Ethylene Glycol 7159NF Alum 0.0617 0.0089 85.5754 82.86 78.35 30 27 39
0.0971 0.0019 98.0433 24
0.0719 0.0252 64.9513 28
7229 0.0716 0.0346 51.6760 60.24 34 56
0.0474 0.0223 52.9536 67
0.0983 0.0235 76.0936 68
7223 0.1684 0.0015 99.1093 91.95 35 33
0.1455 0.0288 80.2062 41
0.1817 0.0063 96.5327 22
Isopropanol 7195NF Alum 0.0695 0.0002 99.7122 99.62 99.65 22 16 20
0.0668 0.0002 99.7006 14
0.0724 0.0004 99.4475 11
7229 0.0901 0.0006 99.3341 99.51 31 35
0.1024 0.0004 99.6094 40
0.1217 0.0005 99.5892 34
7223 0.1950 0.0003 99.8462 99.82 10 9
0.1823 0.0004 99.7806 8
0.1999 0.0003 99.8499 8

The Ethylene Glycol did not air dry in 30 mins after the cleaning concluded, so the coupons were dried with a heat gun before taking clean weights.

Success Rating:

Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.


Isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) is highly effective in removing all soils from the stainless steel coupons.  Ethylene Glycol was effective in removing the 7159 NF Alum and 7223 polymers but was unsuccessful in removing the 7229 polymer.  

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