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Trial Number 3

Trial Purpose:

To assess the efficacy of several solvents in removing glyconol wax soil from aluminum coupons (although the wax soil is only used on the composite fiberglass coupons, aluminum coupons were used in order to save the amount of fiberglass materials needed as well as to see the cleaning efficacy of the chemistries on the wax soil itself. If these solvents are successful, compatibility testing with the fiberglass composite will be the next step).

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Six solvents were chosen using previous testing data on their performance for removing other waxes and greases.  Three pre weighed aluminum coupons were assigned to each solvent for each substrate for a total of 18 aluminum coupons. The coupons were soiled with the glyconol wax soil (about 0.5 grams) by placing a small ball of wax onto the bottom third of the coupon, heating it with a heat gun to melt the wax, and then spreading the wax into a strip across the bottom third of the coupons.   After soiling, the dirty weights of the coupons were recorded.  The coupons were then subjected to 20 mins of unheated ultrasonics in their respective cleaners.  The coupons were left to air dry overnight before the clean weights were recorded.

Trial Results:


Cleaner Initial wt of cont. Final wt of cont. %Cont Removed % AVG
1-Propanol 0.0888 0.0015 98.31 98.64
0.0818 0.0004 99.51
0.0731 0.0014 98.08
Thiophene 0.0590 0.0007 98.81 98.64
0.0446 0.0012 97.31
0.0487 0.0001 99.79
1-Butanol 0.0761 0.0015 98.03 99.34
0.0530 0.0000 100.00
0.0429 0.0000 100.00
Dowanol PnBGE 0.0531 0.0021 96.05 97.39
0.0786 0.0020 97.46
0.0757 0.0010 98.68
PC 118 EPS Stripper 0.0755 0.0616 18.41 25.38
0.0824 0.0633 23.18
0.0628 0.0411 34.55
Flexisolv DBE-LVP Esters 0.0703 0.0171 75.68 80.46
0.0925 0.0069 92.54
0.0689 0.0185 73.15

Although the Flexisolv DBE-LVP Esters removed a high percentage of the soil from the coupons, some of the wax visibly remained on the coupons after cleaner.

Success Rating:

Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.


1-Propanol, Thiophene, 1-Butanol, and Dowanol PnBGE are all effective cleaners in removing the wax soil from aluminum coupons.  PC 118 EPS Stripper is not an effective cleaner in removing the wax soil from aluminum coupons.  Flexisolv DBE-LVP Esters is a somewhat effective cleaner in removing the wax soil from aluminum coupons.

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