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Trial Number 5

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate the effectiveness of Cleanyst laundry detergent against Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent in the removal of various soils from cotton, nylon and polyester.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

A total of twelve 4”x5” swatches of fabric per cleaner, were contaminated with motor oil, ink, dirt, and mustard. The fabrics used were a white cotton, a purple nylon, and an orange polyester.  The soiled coupons were then air dried for 24 hours. The fabrics were then washed at 88˚ F for 12 minutes separated by cleaner, with a five-minute spin cycle and a nine-minute rinse cycle. Before being taken out of the washer and allowed to dry for 24 hours. A colorimeter was used to take initial, contaminated, and clean measurement values during the experiment.

Equation used: SRI = 100 -((Lc-Lw)2 + (Ac - Aw)2 + (Bc - Bw)2)1/2

SRI = Stain Removal Index (0= No removal and 100 =Complete stain removal)


A= redness/greenness

B= yellow/blueness

C= unstained fabric, washed in the treatment conditions

W= stained fabric, washed in the treatment conditions

Trial Results:

Table 1: Results from Cleaner 1

Cleaner Fabric Soil SRI Average
1 White Cotton Oil 18.88 77.36
Ink 91.72
Dirt 99.32
Mustard 99.53
Purple Nylon Oil 21.41 75.64
Ink 85.27
Dirt 97.46
Mustard 98.40
Orange Polyester Oil 97.36 79.56
Ink 90.86
Dirt 98.88
Mustard 31.13

Table 2: Results from Cleaner 2

Cleaner Fabric Soil SRI Average
2 White Cotton Oil 87.08 94.40
Ink 92.44
Dirt 99.02
Mustard 99.07
Purple Nylon Oil 97.71 95.54
Ink 87.21
Dirt 98.18
Mustard 99.07
Orange Polyester Oil 97.46 95.87
Ink 91.69
Dirt 97.24
Mustard 97.12


Table 3: Cleaner 1 L, A, and B values. % Difference

    Initial Clean % Difference
    L A B L A B L A B
Cotton Motor Oil 67.87 25.03 42.12 49.11 2.15 -33.35 28% 91% 179%
Dirt 53.32 -0.22 -30.08 52.78 -0.14 -29.72 1% -39% -1%
Food Stain 53.18 -0.30 -29.86 53.39 -0.46 -29.78 0% -53% 0%
Ink 53.18 -0.37 -29.78 46.28 -0.63 -27.04 13% -71% -9%
Nylon Motor Oil 53.18 -0.22 -29.99 64.49 28.24 42.38 21% -13132% -241%
Dirt 66.07 25.63 42.40 65.32 27.10 41.91 1% 6% 1%
Food Stain 67.74 26.92 42.65 66.98 27.96 43.10 1% 4% 1%
Ink 68.24 27.70 42.38 56.95 23.09 34.19 17% 17% 19%
Polyester Motor Oil 30.00 16.83 -35.10 27.86 17.99 -34.09 7% 7% -3%
Dirt 30.05 16.62 -34.92 29.08 16.26 -34.57 3% 2% -1%
Food Stain 29.98 16.67 34.80 29.28 15.92 -34.06 2% 5% 198%
Ink 30.13 16.60 -34.99 27.57 11.93 -27.57 9% 28% -21%

Table 4: Cleaner 2 L, A, and B values. % Difference

    Initial Clean % Difference
    L A B L A B L A B
Cotton Motor Oil 39.85 -0.27 -29.67 49.66 1.47 -32.68 25% -639% -10%
Dirt 53.54 -0.73 -29.47 52.77 -0.51 -29.04 1% -31% -1%
Food Stain 53.70 -0.08 -29.69 53.40 -0.49 -28.97 1% -513% -2%
Ink 47.34 -0.50 -29.10 41.16 -0.64 -24.77 13% -26% -15%
Nylon Motor Oil 66.49 26.82 42.19 65.64 27.94 43.13 1% 4% 2%
Dirt 67.29 27.11 42.72 66.30 27.15 42.17 1% 0% 1%
Food Stain 66.84 27.39 43.00 67.22 27.88 42.77 1% 2% 1%
Ink 67.11 26.93 42.73 57.6 23.29 35.04 14% 14% 18%
Polyester Motor Oil 29.73 16.95 -34.71 28.55 15.54 -32.98 4% 8% -5%
Dirt 30.02 16.75 -34.97 27.75 17.87 -33.93 8% 7% -3%
Food Stain 29.80 14.82 -34.76 29.17 15.89 -33.96 2% 7% -2%
Ink 30.08 17.03 -35.33 28.20 12.60 -28.57 6% 26% -19%

Table 5: Cleaner 1 L, A, and B values. % Difference Average

Cleaner Fabric Soil L A B
1 White Cotton Oil 28% 91% 179%
Ink 1% -39% -1%
Dirt 0% -53% 0%
Mustard 13% -71% -9%
Average 11% -18% 42%
Purple Nylon Oil 21% -13132% -241%
Ink 1% 6% 1%
Dirt 1% 4% 1%
Mustard 17% 17% 19%
Average 10% -3276% -55%
Orange Polyester Oil 7% 7% -3%
Ink 3% 2% -1%
Dirt 2% 5% 198%
Mustard 9% 28% -21%
    Average 5% 11% 43%

Table 6: Cleaner 2 L, A, and B values. % Difference Average

Cleaner Fabric Soil L A B
1 White Cotton Oil 25% -639% -10%
Ink 1% -31% -1%
Dirt 1% -513% -2%
Mustard 13% -26% -15%
Average 10% -302% -7%
Purple Nylon Oil 1% 4% 2%
Ink 1% 0% 1%
Dirt 1% 2% 1%
Mustard 14% 14% 18%
Average 4% 5% 6%
Orange Polyester Oil 4% 8% -5%
Ink 8% 7% -3%
Dirt 2% 7% -2%
Mustard 6% 26% -19%
    Average 5% 12% -7%

Success Rating:

A cleanliness study, addressing only various analytical techniques.


Cleanyst Laundry Detergent was more effective than the comparative product for cleaning and removing stains on white cotton, purple nylon, and orange polyester fabric.  

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