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Trial Number 8

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate the effectiveness of seven TCE alternatives at removing lubricant from aluminum alloys.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Pre-weighed aluminum coupons were tested for each aqueous cleaner. Coupons were soiled with Blasocut 2000 Universal Lubricant (CAS: 64742-52-5; 61790-44-1; 68608-26-4; 63449-39-8; 107-41-5; 770-35-4) using a swab to cover the bottom third of the substrate and dirty weights were recorded. Chemistries were prepared with a five percent dilution except for Micro 90, which had a two percent dilution based on vendor recommendations. Coupons were immersed, three at a time, in a beaker filled with 200ml of the chosen cleaner at room temperature (68 F) and cleaned with ultrasonics for five minutes. Final weights were taken after cleaning.

Trial Results:

Cleaner Initial wt.  Final wt.  % Removed Average % Removed
SC Aircraft & Metal Cleaner 0.0164 0.0034 79.27 71.62
0.0347 0.0141 59.37 
0.0265 0.0063 76.23 
Amberclean 527L 0.1494 0.1035 30.72 59.35
0.0481 0.0181 62.37 
0.0612 0.0092 84.97 
Surface Cleanse 930 0.0606 0.0072 88.12 86.54
0.0900 0.0196 78.22 
0.0819 0.0055 93.28 
Micro 90 0.0797 0.0260 67.38 59.92
0.0820 0.0422 48.54 
0.0938 0.0339 63.86 
Solution 2000 0.0622 0.0323 48.07 56.92
0.0498 0.0154 69.08 
0.0511 0.0237 53.62 
Shopmaster 0.0634 0.0372 41.32 38.58
0.0634 0.0373 41.17 
0.0764 0.0510 33.25 
Crystal Simple Green 0.0515 0.0054 89.51 88.88
0.0477 0.0076 84.07 
0.0532 0.0037 93.05

Ultrasonics improved effectiveness with removing Blasocut 2000 Universal Lubricant from the aluminum coupons. Crystal Simple Green, which was the only positive removal % after unheated immersion for five minutes, looked visually clean and had the highest percent removal.

Success Rating:

Preliminary compatibility tests on substrate coupons encouraging for at least one cleaning chemistry. More in-depth laboratory testing necessary.


Surface Cleanse 930 and Crystal Simple Green were both effective at removing Blasocut 2000 Universal Lubricant. The other aqueous cleaners showed improvement at removing the soil, but more time may need to be added to see effective removal. Next step would be to increase the time of cleaning.

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