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Trial Number 0

Trial Purpose:

Conduct an EHS review of solvent using P2OASys

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

P2OASys allows companies to assess the potential environmental, worker, and public health impacts of alternative technologies aimed at reducing toxics use. The goal is more comprehensive and systematic thinking about the potential hazards posed by current and alternative processes identified during the TUR planning process.

Collect data from external sources, and inputs both quantitative and qualitative data on the chemical toxicity, ecological effects, physical properties, and changes in work organization likely as a result of a proposed option (chemical or product of interest). The tool also allows the user to set data certainty and weighting factors for each endpoint.

Trial Results:

EHS Category TCE NpB Acetone Methylene Chloride BUTYLAL
Acute Human Health 7 7 6 6 4
Chronic Human Health 7 6 6 7 2
Physical Hazards 4 4 3 4 3
Aquatic Hazards 10 4 2 8  
Persistence/bioaccumulation  7 6 2 5 4
Atmospheric hazard            6 2 2 6 2
Disposal hazard              10 8 6 7 6
Chemical hazard               9 10 10 10 6
Energy & resource use      8 7 6 7 7
Product hazard  10 10 10 10 8
Exposure potential 10 10 10 10 6
Total 88 74 63 80 48
Adjusted Score 8.0 6.7 5.7 7.3 4.8

Success Rating:

A cleanliness study, addressing only various analytical techniques.


Of the five solvents compared, Butylal had the safer profile followed by acetone.

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