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Trial Number 13

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate top three products under conditions closely matching current cleaning practice.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

The top two lab tested products were diluted to 3% using DI water in 300 ml glass beakers. The beakers were immersed in a Branson 40 kHz ultrasonic tank and heated to 130 F. The products were degassed for five minutes. A second set of parts were cleaned for 10 minutes.

A set of three soiled steel parts coated with steel grit and three coated with cutting fluids were immersed into the ultrasonic tank and cleaned for 5 minutes. Following cleaning, coupons were observed for cleanliness.

Trial Results:

For both sets of parts and both cleaning times the Polyspray Jet 790xs resulted in cleaner parts. However, at 10 minutes of cleaning both cleaners were nearly the same.

Success Rating:

Results suggest a scale-up feasible match for cleaning chemistry and equipment. Pilot plant study with actual parts recommended.


Both products appear to work well at the lower concentration.

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