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Trial Number 0

Trial Purpose:

To generate a list of alternatives to heptane for removing oil from aluminum parts.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Using the laboratory's database for solvent cleaning substitution, the lab generated a lists of products that have been used to clean oil from aluminum parts using manual wiping.  In addition, vendor supplied data was also searched to generate additional products.

Trial Results:

The first table lists the products that have been tested at SSL for oil removal from aluminum parts using manual wiping.  The second table are products that have been tested for oil removal from aluminum parts using various methods (immersion, ultrasonics). 

Products Matching All Search Criteria
Contaminant: Oil
Substrate: Aluminum
Equipment: Manual wipe

CompanyName ProductName
Bo Chem Company T 110
Gemtek Products SC 1000
Hotsy Cleaning Systems Tubmate All Purpose

Products Tested at SSL for contaminant and substrate
Contaminant: Oil
Substrate: Aluminum

CompanyName ProductName
3M HFE 71 De
3M HFE 7100
3M HFE 7200
Abatement Technology Bio Might 100
AGA Chemical AK 225
Alconox Inc Citranox
Alconox Inc Detergent 8
Alconox Inc Det-O-Jet
Armex Cleaning and Coating Removal Systems Sodium Bicarbonate
AW Chesterton KPC 820 N
BCS Company Ultra Blue 100
Bio Chem Systems Bio T 200 A
Bio Chem Systems Bio T 300 B
Bio Chem Systems Bio T Max
Bio Chem Systems Bio T Parts Washer NR
Bio Chem Systems Bio T V 50
Bio Chem Systems Green Stuff  (6325)
Bo Chem Company T 110
Brulin Corporation Aquavantage 1400
Brulin Corporation Brulin 63 G
Brulin Corporation Formula 815 GD
CAE Cleaning Technologies Evercycle UCI
Calgon Corporation AK 6215
Calgon Corporation Geo Guard 2215
Calgon Corporation RT 806
Chem Free Corporation Ozzy Juice SW 1
Chem Free Corporation Ozzy Juice SW 3
Chemical Technologies Green Thunder
Chemstation International Green Stuff Neutral
Cleansafe Solutions Solution 2000
Dow Chemical Company OS 10
Dow Chemical Company OS 20
Dow Chemical Company OS 30
Drummond America Corporation Clout
Drummond America Corporation Keynote
DuPont Vertrel CCA
DuPont Vertrel MCA
Ecolink Heavy Weight Non Butyl Detergent
Ecolink Positron
Ecolink Universal Steam Cleaner
Ecolink Vortex
Emkay Chemical Company Safety Wash Clear
Emkay Chemical Company Safety Wash CRC
Ensolve Biosystems Inc Grease Feast Plus
Enviro Tech International Inc Ensolv
Enviro Tech International Inc Ensolv A
Environmental Services TASC
Environmental Technology RB  Degreaser Cleaner
Finger Lakes Chemical Resineater
Finish Line Technologies Inc Bio Degradable Degreaser
Gemtek Products SC 1000
Gemtek Products SC Aircraft & Metal Cleaner
Gemtek Products SC Supersolve
General Chemical Corporation Aluminex 5834
General Chemical Corporation Aquaclean 4784
Heatbath Corporation Alu-Kleen 36
Heatbath Corporation Multi-Kleen 1568
Heatbath Corporation Power Wash Cleaner BCR
Heatbath Corporation Uni Kleen 10
Hotsy Cleaning Systems Tubmate All Purpose
Hubbard Hall Inc Aquasonic 201
Hubbard Hall Inc Ram Charger
Hurri Kleen Corportion Hot Immersion Degreaser
Hurri Kleen Corportion Parts Washer Degreaser
Hurri Kleen Corportion Special Degreaser
Inland Technologies Inc Citrasafe
Innovative Organics Inc Amber Clean SC 11
Innovative Organics Inc Amberclean L 12
Innovative Organics Inc Amberclean Q3
International Products Corporation Micro 90
International Products Corporation Surface Cleanse 930
ITW Fluid Products Group AccuClean
JDI Inc Mirachem 500 RTU
Kleer Flo Company Grease Off 2
Kyzen Corporation Ionox FCR
Kyzen Corporation Ionox HC 2
Kyzen Corporation Metalnox M6314
Kyzen Corporation Metalnox M6960
MacDermid Industrial Products ND LF Supreme
Magnaflux Daraclean 200
Magnaflux Daraclean 212
Magnaflux Daraclean 235
Magnaflux Daraclean 282
Magnaflux Daraclean 282 GF
Magnaflux Daraclean 283
Magnum Research Corporation Aluminum Aerowash
Man Gill Chemical Company Gillite 0650 Cl
Man Gill Chemical Company Gillite 1156
Man Gill Chemical Company Gillite 160 X
Matchless Metal Polish Company MC 132
Matchless Metal Polish Company MC 580
Micro Care Flux Remover C
Micro Care Heavy Duty Degreaser C
Mirachem Corporation Mirachem 500
New Pig Corporation Hoofmark All Purpose Cleaner & Degreaser
New Pig Corporation Hoofmark Industrial Cleaner
New Pig Corporation New Pig Degreaser
North Atlantic Bio Industries NAB 9000
Oakite Products Citradet
Oakite Products Inproclean 2000
Oakite Products Inproclean 2500
Oakite Products Inproclean 3800
Oakite Products Oakite 77
Oakite Products Oakite Low Heat Cleaner 1
Oakite Products Okemclean
Occidental Chemical Corporation OXSOL 100
PCI of America Hurrisafe 9450
Permatex Industrial Corporation Natural Blue
Poly Systems USA Inc Solvon IP
Poly Systems USA Inc Solvon PB
Safe CleanUp Solutions Super Neutral
Savogran Company Dirtex Prepaint Cleaner
Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner/Degreaser
Smart Sonic Corp 440 R SMT Detergent
Solvent Kleene Inc D Greeze 1000
Solvent Kleene Inc D-Greeze GL 55
SWR Corporation SWR One
Texo Corporation Texolite 1734 XL
Today & Beyond Beyond 2001
Today & Beyond Beyond 2002
Today & Beyond Beyond 2003
Today & Beyond Beyond 2004
Today & Beyond Beyond 2005
Today & Beyond Beyond 2009
Tower Products Inc Tower 270 Cleaner Concentrate
Turco Products Inc Turco 5948 DPM
United Laboratories International United 450 All Clear
US Polychem Corporation 87 RB
US Polychem Corporation Hydropurge HPL 790
US Polychem Corporation Polychem A 2000 XS
US Polychem Corporation Polyspray Jet 790 C
Valtech Corporation Valtron SP 2250 2LF
Valtech Corporation Valtron SP 2275
Warren Chemical Company Sea Wash 700 New
Warren Chemical Company Sea Wash 700 Old
Warren Chemical Company Sea Wash 8 New
Warren Chemical Company Sea Wash 8 No Force
Warren Chemical Company Sea Wash Neutral
Water DI Water
Watson Technical Associates Formula 7100
Watson Technical Associates Watson Formula 7000
Watson Technical Associates Watson Formula 7001-CP
Watson Technical Associates Watson Formula 7300
Watson Technical Associates Watson Formula 9000
Westford Chemical Corporation Biosolve

Success Rating:

Technology Transfer.


There are a wide range of products that could be used for the specified oil removal from aluminum parts  using manual wiping. The following table contains a list of products selected for the previous tables. The have been used for a wide range of application at SSL.

Company Name Product Name
Brulin Corporation Formula 815 GD
Warren Chemical Company Sea Wash 8 No Force
Oakite Products Inproclean 3800
Magnaflux Daraclean 282 GF
Gemtek Products SC Aircraft & Metal Cleaner
Heatbath Corporation Uni Kleen 10
Church & Dwight Co Inc Armakleen M Auto
Solvent Kleene Inc D Greeze 500 LO
Bio Chem Systems Bio T V 50
1st Envirosafety Organic Cleaner/Degreaser
Buckeye International Shopmaster
US Polychem Corporation Polyspray Jet 790 XS

Cleaning varies from case to case.  The SSL recommends process specific testing on potential replacement cleaning chemicals.  If more information is needed on a particular product, or you are interested in conducting cleaning trials, please contact the lab at (978)934-3133.

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