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Trial Number 25

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate the effectiveness of Micro-90 (2% cleaner, 98% water), BG-Clean 402 (10% cleaner, 90% water), Simple Green (10% cleaner, 90% water), and 1400 GD Detergent and Degreaser (10% cleaner, 90% water) in removing wax from stainless steel coupons as a preliminary test for Precision Fabricators

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

three stainless steel coupons were used for each of the four cleaners for a total of 12 coupons. The initial weight of each coupon was recorded before applying the wax. The bottom third of each coupon was soiled by adding Meguiar's Cleaner Wax using a swab. The dirty weights of all coupons were then recorded. The coupons were then put into heated ultrasonics at 120F in Micro-90 (2% dilution with water), BG-Clean 402 (10% dilution with water), Simple Green (10% cleaner, 90% water), and 1400 GD Detergent and Degreaser (10% cleaner, 90% water) for 15 minutes. After the coupons were cleaned, they were left to air dry overnight. The next morning, the clean weights of all of the coupons were recorded.

Trial Results:

Cleaner Initial wt of cont. Final wt of cont. %Cont Removed Average % Removal
1400 GD 0.2082 0.0476 77.14 83
0.0875 0.0187 78.63
0.1095 0.0069 93.70
Micro-90 0.1269 0.0078 93.85 99
0.046 -0.0069 115.00
0.1486 0.0187 87.412
BG -Clean 402 0.1114 0.0121 89.14 92
0.1847 0.0176 90.47
0.1763 0.0084 95.24
Simple Green 0.1791 0.0198 88.94 81
0.1699 0.0298 82.46
0.2259 0.0651 71.18

Success Rating:

Preliminary compatibility tests on substrate coupons encouraging for at least one cleaning chemistry. More in-depth laboratory testing necessary.


Coupon 5 appears to be an outlier, as more than 100% of contaminants were removed. This could be caused by the coupon not being completely clean, therefore more than what was applied was removed. Overall, Micro-90 and BG-Clean 402 were effective in cleaning wax from stainless steel. 1400 GD and Simple Green were ineffective in cleaning wax from stainless steel.  

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