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Trial Number 23

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate the effectiveness for the removal of Huckers soil from ceramic, painted metal, and plastic using Honest cleaner.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Three coupons of each substrate (ceramic, painted metal, and plastic) were collected and initial weights were taken. Huckers soil was applied to each coupon and allowed to air dry for 24 hours. After the 2 hour dry time, the weights of the newly contaminated coupons were measured. All coupons were placed into a Straight-Line Washability (SLW) machine. A KC Wypall cleaning cloth was attached to the cleaning block used for the test. The Wypall cloth and all coupons received 2 sprays of the Honest Cleaner and the SLW machine was run for 20 repetitions, simulating 20 manual wipes. Once cleaning concluded, the cleaned coupons were allowed to air dry for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the weights of the cleaned coupons were measured. 

Trial Results:

Honest cleaner had an average removal of 95% for plastic, 80% for ceramic and 77% for painted metal. There was some soil left on the ceramic and painted metal coupons but not on the plastic. 

Substrate Initial wt. of cont. Final wt. of cont Average Combined Average
Ceramic 0.1058 0.0217 79.49 79.99
0.1433 0.0217 84.86
0.0972 0.0237 75.62
Painted Metal 0.115 0.0176 84.70 77.32
0.0857 0.0194 77.36
0.0811 0.0244 69.91
Plastic 0.1105 0.0147 86.70 95.48
0.1077 0.0025 97.68
0.0825 -0.0017 102.06

Success Rating:

Preliminary compatibility tests on substrate coupons encouraging for at least one cleaning chemistry. More in-depth laboratory testing necessary.


Honest cleaner was effective for the removal of Huckers soil on plastic and left some soil behind on ceramic and painted metal. 

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